Honey’s Rescue Story

Honey was all alone, desperate and desolate.  She had been abandoned at an old non-functional mine.  She was hungry, thirsty and in need of help.  A kind foreman found her when his company was hired to secure and board up defunct mines in the area.  He gave her food and water, she ate and drank it all.  He began caring for her and loved her sweet, gentle nature.  He took her with as they traveled from mine to mine.  Then one day she disappeared deep into the mine.  

He was worried.  When she returned days later she brought back puppies one by one, carefully carrying out nine babies.

The foreman and crew cared for Honey and the pups as best they could.  The time came when they had to leave the area.  They could not take the little family with them and they reached out for help.  He did not want to leave them at a shelter with an uncertain fate.  

We were happy to welcome them at our Safe House.

Honey and her pups are now happily adjusting to life in Minneapolis.  One of Honey’s pups has already been adopted. The rest of this sweet family is hoping they will find homes of their own for the holidays! 

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Lynne Bengston

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