December Adoption Updates

Bailey Blu, formerly Brenley, Adopted November 15th

Well, we can start by introducing the artist formerly known as Brenley and have you meet Bailey Blu (Usually just Bailey). Bailey has been amazing. We love her so much and having her part of our family just fills us with so much joy. Everywhere we go with her, whether it is to my work (twice to visit!), the vet or the local PetSmart, she gets doted on by everyone. The vet techs had to take her in the back to meet everyone and play first and you could hear them just say the same things said over and over again, ‘OMG, she is so beautiful!, isn’t she the cutest? Look at her wrinkly forehead! Look at her eyes!’. She is such a cuddler and loves to run around the house and play with her tennis balls. She is growing so fast and she is so smart! She rocked her first day of puppy school, and was such a trooper. We may have looked at other dogs first but we feel like she was meant to be for us and boy, did we luck out with getting her. 

“We couldn’t be happier and so glad for Safe Hands bringing her into our lives.” –Chad

Sunflower and Sullivan, Adopted November 18th

Sunflower and Sullivan have settled in and are doing great in their furrever home! They love to play with strings and toy mice, wrestle with each other, watch the squirrels outside, and sleep in their circle beds/towers. – Brittany

Theo, Adopted November 11th

He is the best little dog. He is my 110th foster dog and I just had to keep him. My Tallulah who I adopted from Safe Hands 11 years ago (she was my fourth foster dog) passed away and my house was so empty. I just love him. And I hope he will be a good little foster helper like my Tallulah was. – Lucia

Maizie, Adopted November 12th

Maizie is just an amazing puppy, she is fitting right in to our family, and we love her so much! She has a very sweet disposition and she loves to snuggle.  She has been frolicking in the snow, playing in the house, chewing toys more often then our fingers, learning to sit and touch, and practicing walking with a leash. Hopefully successful potty training is not far behind! –Frances

Boden (on the right), Adopted November 5th

Boden is doing great! Growing by leaps and bounds! He is filling the hole left in our hearts of our sweet Soula, also a Safe Hands rescue. Here he is with Dash from Safe Hands, too! checking out the Christmas tree. Dash and Boden are great buddies, both loving a good wrestle and romp around our house. We are truly grateful for Safe Hands and the joy that is in our lives because of these Kentucky animals! –Jane

Junior, formerly Howie, Adopted November 15th

Junior is living his best puppy life, meeting new people and new fur baby friends almost every day. He is a happy kid and we love him so much. –Sonya

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Lynne Bengston

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