Theo’s Rescue Story

Theo laid in pain on the concrete floor of his kennel run at the shelter.  He had been viciously attacked by three other dogs.  It wasn’t a fair fight.  Theo is a lover, not a fighter.  He’s kind and gentle, not a mean bone in his body.  He did his best to protect himself but he did not come out well.  His legs were slashed open, swollen and infected.  He had punctures on his head and neck.  As I assessed him, he lifted his head and looked at me with the big brown eyes that reflected the sadness in his soul.

Theo was carried to my car and we were off to the vet.  Theo’s wounds were clipped and cleaned, antibiotics started, and through it all he was stoic and calm.  At The Safe House he got the royal treatment.  We made a space for him in a side room where it would be quiet and feel safe. He loved his soft bed and warm blanket and slept deeply most of the first few days.

Once Theo was up and around he liked to follow us as we worked and just be near.  His tail wagged as if he couldn’t believe his good fortune every time he saw one of us.  Getting pets was his favorite pastime.  He relished in just being loved.  He was curious about the puppies in their x-pens.  We weren’t sure how Theo would feel about other dogs after his ordeal.  We needn’t have worried.  He may have been a little reserved until he knew they weren’t going to hurt him, but then he was ready to be best friends. 

Everyone that met Theo adored him but we knew it was time to let him go to Minnesota, to a foster home that would help find the home and family to cherish him for the rest of his days.  He took a piece of our hearts with him, and I like to think a piece of his will always be ours.  This “goodest” boy is loving his new foster home, his sweet foster mom and new best foster sister friend.  His real celebration though will be when he goes home to stay.  Theo is ready for adoption so if you want to be the end of his long journey and the beginning of the rest of his life fill out an application HERE to meet him!

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Lynne Bengston

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