The Safe House June 2022

Warning, unbearable cuteness ahead!


We are ramping back up at The Safe House after a quick trip to Minnesota for an incredible Fur Ball Gala!  It was an amazing evening with many people coming together for one cause; to save more animals’ lives.  We raised just over $100,000!

Watch for more photos on our FB Page soon!

We currently have 40 dogs and 2 kittens at The Safe House with more coming every day.  Yesterday two little (and VERY skinny) mommas, each with 7 babies, arrived.  The wee ones are all about 4 weeks old and weigh under 2 lbs.  I’m pretty sure The Safe House is the Cutest Place on Earth right now!



It’s not all puppies though…we have some awesome big kids too.



So here is where we need you.  We need your help.  They need you.  These kids, the rest of them here and the ones to come, all need foster homes.  If you have ever considered fostering, please give it a try now.  We supply food, collar/leash, crate, toys and all medical care.  You supply some room in your home and heart and a little time to care for them and help them find a home and family of their own.  See how rewarding it can be to save a life (or two!).  You can read more about our foster program HERE.  If it seems like it might be a good fit for you, fill out the foster application HERE and someone will give you a call to answer all your questions.  If it feels like a good match, we’ll get you all set up to foster.  Join us today!


P.S.  You can ease into fostering with shorter term engagements by signing up to foster and “sitting” for other foster families when they are out of town!

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Lynne Bengston

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