Virtual Fur Ball Gala – May 1-16, 2020

Love Rescues…if you have a companion animal, you well know that often love rescues us too!  Covid-19 forced the cancellation of our annual Fur Ball Gala.  It hasn’t stopped us from saving lives though, so we are taking the Gala virtual!


Companion animals need your help, maybe now more than ever.  Many shelters are currently closed, and many people facing dire circumstances and unable to continue caring for their animals.  So many animals find themselves homeless, abandoned, and on their own.  Dogs like Denver are counting on you.



Denver was a stray dog alone and on his own.  He wandered from place to place in a rural area looking for comfort, a home, or at least his next meal.  People often fed him, but no one took him in.  Then coronavirus hit.  People lost their jobs, food was scarce and he was often hungry.  When he resorted to scrounging for food in people’s garbage this gentle and unassuming boy was shot multiple times.  He lost an eye.  He grew thinner and his ribs stuck out.  Fortunately for Denver, someone decided to help.  Through the kindness of strangers, he made his way to our friend and then on to Safe Hands.  Denver will have surgery to clean and close his damaged eye.  He has good food and he is loved, and soon he’ll be ready to find a home and family to cherish him forever.

Your gift today can give Denver and dogs like him a tomorrow! Donate to the Virtual Fur Ball Gala here

Over the next two weeks, we will be sharing some amazing transformation stories that show what your gift can do.

These are stories of resilience, recovery, and redemption.  This is the difference you can make.  We hope that you will be moved and inspired to join the efforts to give more second chances like these with your gift today.

Please join us!  We invite you to become part of our fundraising team creating your own fundraising page. Create your own fundraising page here. You’ll be able to participate in our contests, giveaways, and matching donations all while helping raise funds to save homeless pets!   You can set up your own fundraising page and share with your family and friends to help animals in need right now.  Share your stories, let people know why homeless pets matter to you.  Invite them to join our Virtual Fur Ball Gala and be moved and inspired too!

Our Virtual Fur Ball will culminate just as our in-person Gala would have; with the premiere of our most incredible rescue story yet. This film is a story of resilience, determination, rescue, and recovery.  This is a story about what love can do!

Safe Hands Rescue is best known for our work partnering in communities with a large number of stray, abandoned, and unwanted animals.  We work with shelters that are often overcrowded, have a high number of animals entering the shelter and low adoption rates.  But we also help stray and abandoned animals in the community who may never make it into the shelter.

This year’s film premiere is the story of a family of dogs living for many years at a mine.  When the mine closed and the miners had to leave, the dogs were left needing help.  Safe Hands Rescue spent seven months working to gain their trust and bring them to safety.  This heartwarming story shows what love, perseverance, trust, and dedication can do.  We can’t wait to share it with you!



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Kate Williams

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