Elijah’s Story

Two weeks ago we visited one of our partner shelters and met Elijah. I will never forget that moment. He was standing there in his kennel, with the bottom half of his right hind leg just…gone. I try hard to take photos of dogs when we first meet them, to document their condition and tell their story,  but many times it is the furthest thing from my mind. The day I met Elijah was one of those times. This photo when we first set him down outside is the only one I got.

Elijah was in obvious pain, you could see it all over his face and the way he held his body.  The injured leg was just an open wound on the end.  He couldn’t understand what happened and he would try to touch that leg to the ground, which brought immediate agony.  He was so sad, confused and hurt.  

Elijah needed surgery right away, and he was rushed to the vet to amputate his leg and relieve his suffering. The surgery was successful and once he was ready, our newest tri-pawed pup came to us at The Safe House.

Now that Elijah was in Safe Hands, he was able to rest and heal – finally pain free. His big, soulful brown eyes show the overflowing love in his heart. When I look at pups like him, I know they understand things are going to be okay now. Elijah knows that the past is behind him and his future is bright, and he intends to soak up every moment of his new life!

Courtney, a volunteer visiting The Safe House started each of her mornings snuggling with Elijah.  He was in heaven!  He has so much love to give, and I’m so grateful that he’s been able to experience so much joy here. Last Friday he boarded the transport van and made his way up north to his foster home. 

In the few short days since Elijah joined his foster family he’s discovered the joy of a soft couch and basking in the sun and he’s mastered stairs. He loves playing outside with his furry foster sibling, running around in the snow together in their backyard. We’re so happy to see him loving life and can’t wait to see what’s in store for this sweet boy!

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Lynne Bengston

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