Clara – A Rescue Story

The white dog scavenged through the garbage for food. The babies in her belly demanded it. She had a home once, but now she was on her own, struggling to survive. A phone call was made, a man came, and she was packed into a truck and taken to the local shelter.

The shelter was loud with the sound of over 100 barking dogs. She cowered in the corner of her concrete kennel run. This was no place to raise her babies, but they soon came anyway.

We found her with her emaciated body wrapped around her 11 babies, trying desperately to keep her safe. She trembled, her tail tucked tightly as we approached. She had done the best she could with what she had. Her babies were growing well; all her ribs stuck out.

We brought this little family to our Safe House, where they would have a room of their own and a quieter environment. Her exhausted body just could not meet the demands of 11 growing, bouncing, big babies, so we supplemental bottle-fed around the clock. We named her Clara. Her food and water bowls are never empty.

Clara’s pups are one month old now. They are walking now on wobbly legs, playing, chunky, and sassy in all their puppy glory. Clara is grateful for the help, relaxed, and happy; she knows they are all safe. In a few more weeks, this family will make their way to Minnesota to find homes and families of their own. This is what we all make possible, working together to save lives!

To support Clara and her babies needs we have an incredible matching gift challenge. Eleven-year-old Avery ran a lemonade stand all summer long and raised $1401. She chose to ask for a matching gift challenge to help provide for Clara and her pups. Puppy formula, puppy food, vaccinations, medications like dewormer, flea/tick treatment, heart worm prevention and, of course, spay and neuter for 12 canines all adds up! If it is within your means would you make a donation today to help Avery reach her goal of matching the $1401 dollar for dollar, please Donate HERE.

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Lynne Bengston

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