Spread love and save a life!
Make a gift to Safe Hands and get a Valentine to send to someone you love...
Each $50 donation you make to Safe Hands will get you a personalized email with the story and pictures of a dog currently in rescue, and a certificate we will make out to your loved one for you to give them on Valentine’s Day.
In order to receive a Valentine before February 14th, you must make your donation no later than midnight on February 11th! When you make the donation you can choose to have it sent to you or straight to your loved one.
Senior dogs like Walter may need a little extra help, but they deserve all the love in the world.
Walter arrived at The Safe House injured, although it wasn’t immediately clear how injured he was. He was limping and in pain, and we suspected his leg or hip was to blame. We made him comfortable, gave him love and good food, and kept him warm. He was soon brought to the vet, and we weren’t sure what the news would be… or if his leg was fixable. No matter what, Walter was in Safe Hands now. Because of you, we know seniors like him can finally get the medical attention they have desperately needed for so long.
Unfortunately the news wasn’t what we had hoped– Walter’s injuries were many and the breaks to his femur, fibula and tibia were old and poorly healed. What’s more, some of them were older than others meaning Walter has endured unimaginable pain not once but at least twice. There was too much damage and too much time had passed, there was no way to fix his leg. To give him the chance to live a life free from pain, it would need to be amputated.
Walter stayed at the vet where he underwent surgery and we’re pleased to report that it was a success. This sweet senior boy was a favorite at the clinic and they snuggled him whenever they could. When it was time, he came back to us at The Safe House where we showered him with love while he waited to be transported up north.
Walter arrived in Minnesota on Saturday afternoon, and has been settling into his new life as a tripod very well! In such a short amount of time, Walter’s entire life changed for the better. He is pain-free, and he will be loved for the rest of his days. If you’re looking for a heartfelt gift for a fellow animal lover like you, please consider making a donation to Safe Hands Rescue!