Why Should You Consider Fostering?

Data from shelters and rescues across the country, including Safe Hands, shows that fewer people across the country are opening their homes to foster animals than pre-pandemic. At the same time, the effects of Covid continue to negatively impact animals.  Shelter intakes are up and shelter populations are higher than they were even in 2019.  This has led to higher shelter euthanasia numbers. The need for more people to take the leap and try fostering for the first time is greater than ever.  Animals’ lives depend on it. We can’t take new animals into our rescue if they don’t have a place to go.


Safe Hands has an amazing, dedicated community of fosters. We asked some of them why they open their hearts and homes to animals in need, and thought you might like to hear what they have to say:


Q: Why do you choose to foster?


A: “I, too, was abandoned and adopted. So I feel an inherent kinship with these pups & kittens.” – Meghan A.

A: “Puppy kisses make me happy :)” – Kelsey M. 

A: “Fostering seemed like a great way to be of service in the community that could integrate easily into my daily routines.” – Anna S. 

A: I love being part of my fosters’ journeys, from being sad and scared to healthy, happy, vibrant pets with an amazing life ahead of them. I also love finding that perfect match between an adopter and my foster, where both are so excited to see each other and are just so perfect for each other.” – Jess B.

A: “We foster in memory of our wonderful Safe Hands rescue dog Connor, who died in December. By fostering, we can give our appreciation to Safe Hands, give loving pups like Connor a great life, and give other families the fun of having a dog in the family.” – Michelle B.

A: “I foster because there is a real need for it. People don’t realize how dire their situations are. Many of these animals will not make it if people don’t step up. That’s why I step up. I save one at a time and now I’ve saved about 40 dogs. It doesn’t cost anything and you just provide love and some time. You help them find their forever home and repeat! Whatever you have to give is always better than what they have now.” – Heather R. 


Q: Why should people consider fostering?


A: “Foster pups love big! They are so grateful for the care you give them.” – Michelle B. 

A: “You CAN let them go when they find their forever home. It’s not easy at first, but when you do you open up your home to save another life.” – Tammy R. 

A: “It’s the best volunteer role you will ever have! It’s free! … You get to choose what type of animals you foster, adult, puppy, female, male, small, large, it’s really up to you. You get to show animals how nice people really are, contrary to their past experience.” – Heather R. 

A: Adopting them out can be sad because you love and care for them. But what’s even more sad is the thought of them never, ever getting out of the shelter because no one stepped up to foster them.” – Meghan A.

A: “You’re not just improving the life of your foster, you’re also sharing the joy of that dog or cat’s life with their adoptive family. I’ve made good friends with some of the families who have adopted from me, and that has been amazing to have those connections throughout the state. Also, there’s just such an amazing sense of joy and purpose in caring for a pet and helping them find a new home.” – Jess B.

A: “I would say there are three great reasons to foster.  One, you get to do it when it fits into your schedule.  Two, you get to pick who you foster.  Three, you as the foster get to pick their forever family. And the added bonuses are all the love you get from them and a great network of people to support you.” – Lara B.

A: “I often hear people say, but I could never give them up!  Some are definitely harder than others.  As a foster you are the bridge between their old lives and their amazing new life.  When you foster you save three animals: the dog going to their new home, you’re opening up your home for a new foster,  and you’re opening up a space in the shelter for another dog to be rescued. Anyone can foster.  You just need a little time and space to create a loving environment.  You can work full time and still foster.  If you live alone you can foster.  If you have kids you can foster.  Your home is a much better place for a dog than the shelter it came from.” – Gina S. 


Q: What do you want people to know about the Safe Hands foster community?


A: “That we are a family. We may not always be able to anticipate problems or issues, but we will stand by and help do anything we can to help, in rescue and peoples’ personal lives. That is what family does.” – Dee Dee D. 

A: “We’re all just humans and want to connect, so it’s a great community to make new friends and have supports you can rely on. The community is so dedicated to helping both animals and humans, including our partner communities in Eastern Kentucky.” – Jess B. 

A: This is a hugely supportive group of people coming together,  with the animals as the first priority.” – Karen V.


The more animal lovers willing to open their homes to dogs and cats in need, the more lives we can save together. That’s it, plain and simple. Almost anywhere is better than where they are now– shelters are overcrowded and loud, and disease spreads rapidly. If you can, please consider giving it a try. The application process is quick and easy, and we’re here to support you every step of the way! Click here for more information and to apply.


These are just some of the hopeful kids in need of a foster home before our next transport on October 23rd, 2021!

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Lynne Bengston

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